I've been wanting to write this down for awhile but it's still a little raw.
Our sweet angel girl Maci Jayde was born at 21 weeks and 1 day on June 26 at 1:50pm and lived 1hour 40 min. She was 12oz and 10 in of perfection❤️ Too perfect for this Earth.
On Wednesday 6/21 I went in for my weekly progesterone injection with Dr Denson and everything was fine. This was the first week I wasn't seen at maternal fetal doctor's since things had been pretty stable.
On Thursday 6/22 I started having a little tan/ brown spotting that was mucusy I thought it was maybe just thicker discharge from having a cervical stitch put in like the doctor said might happen so I mentioned it to Neal but wasn't worried about it.
6/23 I still had that weird tan brown mucus discharge but had not been cramping or anything so I just didn't worry about it.
6/24 the discharge continued and now I was getting little concerned it had lasted so long and looked like snot. so I asked Neal if he thought it might be the mucuous plug...but it didn't seem like it since I'd had more bleeding with Jayden's mucus plug. We had my sister and her hubby over for dinner that night so he could help Neal with some framing in the basement and I started having this heavier feeling in my belly and tried to lay down and just take it easy.
6/25 still felt heavier in my belly but didn't have any pain or anything so I told Neal I was going to just take it easy and nap after church. I had ward council that morning came home and then got Grayson ready for church then we all went to our church meetings. I had Neal take a picture of my baby bump since I didn't have any yet. Neal made dinner while I rested for the rest of the afternoon.
That night I started having contractions... They were more like cramping that would come and go so I told Neal let's just wait and see if they continue or stop since it didn't seem they were coming consistently. We put Grayson down for bed and they started getting more frequent and stronger. So I started timing them on an app because I still wasn't sure if they were really contractions or just cramps. Neal asked if we should go to ER. I said let's just wait and see after I time them a little longer. So he put a show for us to watch and keep my mind off things. But after an hour of timing they were coming every 2-3 minutes and I could tell they were contractions I think I was just in denial earlier and didn't want that to be the case.
So I decided to call Dr Denson's on call number. They put me through to him and I told him what was going on. He told me to go to labor and delivery and he would call over and let them know I was going. I had Neal give me a blessing and he blessed me that my angels would continue to attend us and that we would know and be able to make the right decision. I felt at peace.
By now it was 2am. I called my mom bawling letting her know I was having contractions and to see if she could take Grayson and Jasper so we could go to the hospital. I'm amazed she answered in the middle of the night. We grabbed Grayson and his suitcase with things and Jasper and headed out.
We dropped them off to my mom and headed to hospital. The main entrance was locked so we had to walk though ER entrance to labor and delivery. We got there around 3am and they had me get in a gown, pee in a cup and started an IV. They gave me a bag of fluid and hooked me up to contraction monitor. They gave me a shot of tributaline to stop the contractions and then another bag of fluid. Neal and I were able to sleep a little during this time.
Neal called his work to let them know he might not be in that day but would call and let them know after we saw Dr Denson. Dr Denson came in around 8:30am and said he just wanted to wait to get the results of some labs and then we could probably head home. He decided to do a quick cervical check before he left and he saw the water bag bulging with her little foot inside. They put me on antibiotics and put me head down in the Trendelenburg position. (Flashback to being in hospital with Jayden 8 years earlier)
You could see in Dr Denson face how devasted he was. He said he'd order an u/s so we could see what the cervical stitch was doing and that after the u/s we will discuss a plan of action. He said I must have a high pain tolerance as most people have quite a bit of pain and some bleeding when the stitch rips.
My mom and Neal's mom came over to hospital after Neal updated them on the situation. Of course we were SO devastated but we also felt heavens love and peace.
We met with a neonatal Doctor who told us the chances of survival at 21 weeks was pretty much 0% and that they just aren't developed enough. He also said even if they did make it they would probably have many medical issues and the quality of life might not be ideal. We knew these stats from when we were in hospital 8 years early with Jayden and I was 22-23 weeks with him. We asked him at this point how long I might last before delivering her. He said at most 2-3 days.
The u/s tech came in and it was Jennie (from maternal fetal medicine clinic) one of my favorites. While she was doing the u/s Dr Spencer came in (MFM doctor) so he was able to see as she did it. The water bag was bulging and her legs were hanging out in the canal. They could still see one of the cervical stitches and Dr Spencer said we would probably need to take it out so when I delivered the baby wouldn't get caught on it and cause more permanent damage to my cervix.
Jennie gave me a big hug before she left and they called Dr Denson with the results. Dr Denson came back around 12:30 pm and we told him what Dr Spencer had said about needing to remove the stitch. He said it was up to us if we wanted to wait and see how long we could hold out or just deliver. As Neal and I discussed this we decided to just deliver that day and not drag it out since the outcome would be the same regardless since it was just too early. (we had been in the hospital 5 days with Jayden and didn't want to have that emotional rollercoaster again) . We had my mom and dad and Neal's mom call our families and let them know we would be delivering her within the hour and to head up soon if they wanted to come meet her.
We had our family leave the room while we removed the stitch and delivered.
Dr Denson called his wife who practices as an OBGYN with him to come over and help him take the cervical stitch out. They started prepping the room and supplies and when Dr Pam (his wife) got there her and the two nurses were all helping Dr Denson hold instruments so he could see the stitch and get it out there were so many things in my whooha. It was crazy. As he was trying to get the stitch out I was in so much pain. It was awful. I was squeezing Neal's hand any breathing and closing my eyes hoping it would all end soon. The nurse gave me a shot of some pain med and I felt more relaxed after that but it was still way painful.
At one point all the ladies (Dr Pam and nurses) were panicking and trying to help and I felt this huge gush of water and I was like oh there's my water breaking but it was actually a folley they were filling with saline to try and push the water bag out of the way for Dr Denson to get to the stitch. He remained calm the entire time and he finally was able to pull the stitch out. Now I know why they put you out to place the stitch in.
Now it was time to deliver Maci and push. I had to probably push for 5-10 minutes. I felt like I didn't know how to push very well and the nurses were great to coach me on what to do and how to push. This part didn't hurt at all. It was slightly uncomfortable but not painful. Right before she was born my water broke. They cut her umbilical cord and laid her on my chest.
She was tiny and perfect and her little body was trying to breathe. We could feel heaven close.
They let our family in right after she was born and they were able to meet and hold her. We were able to give her a baby blessing and love and hold and admire her. Neal and I were able to bathe her and dress her and my sweet sister's did my hair and makeup quickly for some pictures. Amber Vest is in my parents ward and my dad asked her to come and take pictures for us. What a sweet sweet gift, one we will always treasure.
Grayson was so sweet with her. Held her hand, looked at her tiny feet, and gave her kisses. He is a great big brother and we hope someday we can bring a baby home he can brother. He loves babies and trying to make them smile and singing to them.
All of my sister's and Neal's sister was able to come meet Maci along with my parents and Neal's mom and our grandparents. I love that we got to share her with our family. That was always one thing I hated about having Jayden in California is not everyone was able to meet him. So I'm so glad we got to share her with our families.
We held and loved and admired her until someone from the funeral home came. We said our goodbyes at the hospital and he took her body. It's so hard to watch them walk away with your baby. We would get to see her one more time on Friday to dress her and place her in the casket and say our final goodbye.
Dr Denson said my cervical tissue was so soft and thin it had just torn through. He says it was like trying to keep a paper turned sideways sewn together.
Oh my gosh I'm a wreck now. Well told. What a horrible, magnificent event. In one picture I saw a bit of you both... I wish I could make the pain stop. For all of us. But we must live through it. I love u guys.
ReplyDeleteYou have been through so much! What a sweet family you have! I am so glad you were surrounded by their love and tenderness. My heart breaks for you all. I am at least happy you could hold sweet Macy and name her, kiss her and hold her. You needed that. I worked in a level 3 NICU three years in Utah. I saw so many miracles and at times sorrowful moments. It is amazing what strides they take but sweet Macy was just barley too little. I am sure this is really hard to be going through. I am here for you.
ReplyDeleteAngie my heart goes out to you and Neil I know how hard all this can be just reading your story brought back some feeling that I thought I had worked through. I can still remember both their births like it was yesterday and think of them both all the time. I know that Michele is now in heaven with both my angels which still something I'm trying to work through. I know that someday you will bring Grayson home that baby for him to watch over. Thank you show much for sharing your story. BJ Dugan
ReplyDeleteI am so very sorry. You are such a sweet family. I hate that you've had to go through this twice! But what a compliment it is to you and Neil that you have been sent two perfect babies who didn't need to experience this life. What a glorious reunion you will have on the other side. They will be waiting for you, read for you to raise them. I love you Angie:)
ReplyDeleteEven though I cried hard reading it; thank you for sharing. You are a brave mommie Ang! You have so much to look forward to. I love you so much. You're a family of 5!
ReplyDeleteOh Ang- what a precious little girl. I am so glad your family got to meet her and you have these pictures. You look beautiful. This post had my crying hard. I just imagine your feelings going through this and writing this and My heart breaks that you went thru this again. Thank you for sharing something so tender and precious and hard. You're one of the valiant ones- and I am so lucky I know you. What a beautiful family of 5 you have and I hope One day I can meet your sweet children too. What special kids they are. Love you. -Ashley
ReplyDeleteSuch a tender blog Ang. These pictures are wonderful.
ReplyDeleteAngie, my heart just hurts for you! i am so sorry that she couldn't stay with you longer. And so grateful that you could feel peace in the middle of so much heartbreak. Her name is just perfect -- how sweet that she and Jayden get to share their names that way! You are such an amazing and wonderful family. We love you guys.