Let me just preface this post with the disclaimer that I don’t want to discount anyone's
feelings that are struggling with a hard Mother’s Day, I know how hard Mother’s Days
can be. The longing, the wishing,the hoping of having a child, the grief of the loss of
a child, the feeling of being an inadequate mother. I’ve felt all of these feelings and
some all at once. So please know that this post comes from a place of empathy.
But this Mother’s Day, is truly a special one for me and all because of an amazing
selfless sister and her supportive loving husband. My sister Krystal is carrying our
little baby girl for us! We are due July 27. I’m getting SO excited, like giddy excited
now that we’ve reached a viable stage where even if she came now she would live.
There are no words. Krystal is an angel and my hero.
She has altered our forever family and we are beyond grateful.
I’ve feel like I’ve been holding my breath for the last 7 months...wondering if baby is ok,
waiting for something to go wrong, but it hasn’t. Pinch me! It’s really happening and
I’m overjoyed. Like can’t stop smiling excited. That last doctors appointment was the
first time I felt relief and truly excited with no fear.
I got to feel her kick a few weeks ago, and man was I tearing up. Hearing the heartbeat
at each appointment is a glorious sound. We are now at appointments every 2 weeks.
So here's to a Mother’s Day full of love, excitement for what our future holds and
an immeasurable amount of gratitude. Love you sis!
I have followed you on Instagram for many years. I would love to know how things are going. This post gave me so much hope for you